Research Article
Profitability of Market Garden Production in Southern Benin: Economic Index of Dewatering Systems on Farmers' Income
Volume 13, Issue 2, April 2025
29 January 2025
17 February 2025
28 February 2025
Abstract: Water management is a real challenge in the market gardening sector. Then, dewatering systems are used for the efficient management of water in market gardening operations. The aim of this article is to evaluate the profitability of market gardening in the context of dewatering systems using (petrol motor pump, domestic gas motor pump and solar panel pump) compared with manual watering. Data were collected in 07 departments in southern Benin, covering 20 municipalities. A total of 1,600 growers were randomly selected after establishing a sampling frame of market gardeners in each municipality. The data concerned socio-demographic characteristics, prices and quantities of inputs, and outputs from market garden production. Descriptive statistics were used to describe the sample and then to highlight the economic profitability indices of each drainage system. The multinomial logistic regression model was used to analyse the factors influencing the choice of market gardeners for each system. The results show that market gardeners achieved an average net margin of 159,352.6 XOF/ha. The average labor remuneration rate is 265,275.9 (± 377,752.8) XOF/man-year. The activity is profitable regarding net margin. The solar panel watering system proved to be the most profitable, followed by manual watering and the petrol pump. Gender, age, level of education, use of family and permanent labor, and entrepreneurial training were the main determinants of the choice of watering systems. This study suggests using of solar panel systems and considering of the factors involved in the choice of drainage systems to propose the most appropriate technologies to market gardeners.
Abstract: Water management is a real challenge in the market gardening sector. Then, dewatering systems are used for the efficient management of water in market gardening operations. The aim of this article is to evaluate the profitability of market gardening in the context of dewatering systems using (petrol motor pump, domestic gas motor pump and solar pan...
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Research Article
Optimization of the Production of Anacardium occidentale L. Through the Multiplication of Elite Trees in a Semi-Controlled Environment in Senegal
Volume 13, Issue 2, April 2025
1 February 2025
12 February 2025
18 March 2025
Abstract: In Senegal, Anacardium occidentale L. (Sapindales, Anacardiaceae) is among the most popular agroforestry species, due to its multiple uses in both environmental, socioeconomic and food terms. However, although the plantations are gaining momentum they are facing regeneration problems. To improve the current production trend, rigorous and efficient choices must be made in the selection of sowing techniques. The present study aims at making a contribution to improving knowledge on the species’ sylviculture for a better use. For this purpose, separate but not independent experiments have been set up using a completely randomized block design (RBD) at the station. The methodological approach consisted of measuring the germination, initial growth and leaf growth parameters. The results show that the top aril position, large nuts, dune sand and the sowing in bags are the most effective treatments to improve the germination of A. occidentale L. nuts. The species presents a recalcitrant character. Thus, cashew plants are transplantable, after three months of breeding in the nursery. At this age, the double planting grafting technique is best suited. These results, concerning embryonic silviculture, show a good regeneration capacity of A. occidentale L., opening up good prospects for the production of seedlings in nurseries in order to improve old plantations by clear cutting, introducing elite trees and by grafting on adult subjects.
Abstract: In Senegal, Anacardium occidentale L. (Sapindales, Anacardiaceae) is among the most popular agroforestry species, due to its multiple uses in both environmental, socioeconomic and food terms. However, although the plantations are gaining momentum they are facing regeneration problems. To improve the current production trend, rigorous and efficient ...
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Research Article
Forest Phyto-Diversity Assessment of West Champaran District of Bihar, Eastern India
Volume 13, Issue 2, April 2025
11 February 2025
25 February 2025
21 March 2025
Abstract: Regular biodiversity assessment is the key to judicial utilization and conservation of forest plant resources. Forest phyto-diversity in West Chaparan, Bihar, has been investigated in the current research. Assessment was conducted at 10 random forest locations. We estimated Important Value Index (IVI), Shannon and Wiener index, Simpson Index, and Pielou's evenness index. A total of 193 species were reported from the study area. Habit-wise number of species of trees, shrubs, herbs, climbers, grasses, sedges, and bamboo are 87, 27, 38, 16, 22, 02, and 01, respectively. Research revealed highest tree layer variety at Kali Temple and lowest at Watch Tower. Shrubby layer had highest diversity in Dongiparsa site and least in Comp. no. 53 (II) site, whereas in herbaceous layer, highest diversity was reported from Kali Temple site and least from Comp. no. 53 (I). Many biotic and abiotic factors endanger biodiversity. To reverse vegetative status, these elements must be identified and management measures should be adopted.
Abstract: Regular biodiversity assessment is the key to judicial utilization and conservation of forest plant resources. Forest phyto-diversity in West Chaparan, Bihar, has been investigated in the current research. Assessment was conducted at 10 random forest locations. We estimated Important Value Index (IVI), Shannon and Wiener index, Simpson Index, and P...
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Research Article
Carbon Storage and Environmental Adaptation of Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehnn, in Bangladesh
Mohammed Mukhlesur Rahman,
Md. Redwanur Rahman*
Sabrina Naz
Volume 13, Issue 2, April 2025
9 February 2025
4 March 2025
26 March 2025
Abstract: Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehnh is an exotic forest tree species, and established orchards are found all over Bangladesh. E. camaldulensis is a fast-growing timber species that helps to fulfill the demand for fuel wood. The abstract summarizes a study on the carbon sequestration potential of Eucalyptus camaldulensis (commonly known as the River Red Gum) compared to other indigenous tree species in Bangladesh. The study focuses on assessing the carbon storage capacity of this species at different stages of growth using allometric equations. The findings of the study revealed that diameter at breast height and height were 14.93, 17.36, 20.61, 23.03, 26.21, 29.65, 9.46 cm, and 10.72, 11.34, 12.01, 14.62, 17.44 m at 5, 8, 10, 12, 15, and 20 years old plantation respectively. The study indicated that mean annual diameter increments, and mean annual height increments were 2.99, 2.17, 2.06, 1.92, 1.76, 1.48 cm and 1.89, 1.34, 1.13, 1.00, 0.96, and 0.87 m respectively. The present study showed that the aboveground carbon, belowground carbon and the total carbon were stored 38.50, 57.79, 84.53, 129.75, 209.18, 362.19 kg tree-1 and 7.70, 11.56, 16.91, 25.95, 41.84, 27.44 kg tree-1 and 46.20, 69.35, 101.44, 155.70, 251.01, 434.63 kg tree-1 respectively at 5, 8, 10, 12, 15 and 20 years old respectively. On an average carbon values were 5.03, 5.41, 5.89, 8.71, 13.05 and 17.24 kg tree-1year-1 respectively. The present study indicated that the total capturing carbon dioxide values were 18.46, 19.85, 21.62, 31.95, 47.89 and 63.26 kg tree-1 year-1 at 5, 8, 10, 12, 15 and 20 years old respectively. Statistical analysis revealed that diameter, height, and biomass were varied significantly in different ages (p<0.05). The present study revealed that there is a positive correlation (r= 0.991836) between surviving and current temperature, but negative correlation was found between surviving and current rainfall. (r= -0.71422). Eucalyptus camaldulensis can harm soil fertility due to its allelopathic effects, high nutrient demands, and water consumption where it is an introduced plant species. While it can benefit carbon sequestration and other ecological roles, its widespread use in non-native areas should be cautiously approached. Proper management practices, such as periodic soil amendments or companion planting with species that improve soil fertility, may help mitigate the negative effects on soil health.
Abstract: Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehnh is an exotic forest tree species, and established orchards are found all over Bangladesh. E. camaldulensis is a fast-growing timber species that helps to fulfill the demand for fuel wood. The abstract summarizes a study on the carbon sequestration potential of Eucalyptus camaldulensis (commonly known as the River Red ...
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